Monday, February 27, 2012

Jury Duty

They say once a city finds you, they contact you often. It took 6 years but it's happening. I was called for jury duty for the county in July. It was 110 degrees and I was almost 9 mos pregnant. I was dismissed. In January I got another summons for the city municipal court. So here I sit, in a hot room, with no renovations in 30 years, watching a tv on a rolling stand like 6th grade health class.

Currently I'm being subjected to some English talk show host that took the place of Jerry Springer while women tell their boyfriends they "aren't sure" who the father of their babies are. TORTURE. I would actually rather be working than watching this.

I plan to honor my civil duty because if I request a trial for a red light camera picture, or code violation for not trimming the weeds behind our fence I know what those jurors have to sit thru. Justice in action people.

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