Not for me, although I do have a much needed hair appointment next weekend. New blog look sort of. I changed the template a few weeks ago and updated the blog roll as well. With the changes I figured I would introduce who’s on my roll.
The Allen’s are Jen and Patrick and baby Charlie. Patrick and Chris went to SMU/MBA together. The Allen’s live nearby and we almost bought the same house, they won the bidding war. Jen is an identical twin, and her twin sister just had triplets, 2 of which are identical twin girls, and the other a fraternal twin boy. Bananas.
The Troegle’s are Brandon and Christy, another SMU/MBA couple that we love. They're expecting baby girl, Avery, any week now to join the family. They moved outside the friend zone (Plano) last year but we still see them often...even though Christy is an Aggie.
Kerri T is a friend that I have known forever, like forever ever. We were in brownies together, lived down the street from each other, and were home schooled together. All until I moved to Nevada City. She’s a writer, a mommy blogger, and a breeder of beautiful show boxers.
Lincee, or the infamous I hate green beans writer. When I first moved to Dallas 5 years ago I got on this email list with bachelor recaps, from Miss Lincee herself. Well then she got all famous and went to a blog, then a website and now she is practically bff’s with Chris Harrison. We are blog friends and she is HILARIOUS.
Jen is a Dallas friend that I met my first week literally. She was the HR manager at that first job and I was a little scared of her. Accept I knew a secret, she was living with (as friends) Robin (see below) another employee and that was not public knowledge. So I think she befriended me just to shut me up and ended up liking me after all.
Kerri B and I go way back, roommates in college, planning her wedding 9 years ago. She has lived everywhere and done a million things, and goes on all kinds of exciting adventures. She’s in her perfect job working with Denver brides and loving it, as well as Benjamin’s mom and a grad student. You think she’s a little busy?
Robin (see Jen above) also met the first week and I knew we would be friends when the day we were all "let go" she called worried about me because I was new and didn’t know anyone. Awww. Since then I've seen her date Mike, marry him, and she just added mommy to the list with baby Miller this year. She’s also a pop culture genius. I’m not kidding.
Lydia & Tim I met thru Elizabeth (below). Lydia and Elizabeth were roommates for a while, and still have this ornament exchange party every year that is off the chain. I know you wish you could come. Lydia married and moved to Arlington, so I don’t see her unless it’s a big Elizabeth’s upcoming 30th birthday. She’s having her first baby in December, a boy!
Sonia is a friend from high school. We were cheerleaders together, go ahead and laugh. I lasted only 2 years in the “sport” but we’ve been friends ever since. She married a guy that I adore, and have 2 beautiful kids. They live in my hometown in CA and own gym. Her husband is a former NCAA gymnast from OU so he has the cred.
Elizabeth, lizard, rat...she tends to go by all 3, but I stick with the traditional given name. Dallas friend went to Boston but came back to us. She plays a mean game of kickball, likes dark nail polish and you can usually find her at Capitol Pub on Sunday afternoons. She has a ton of fun, and we all live a little vicariously thru her.
So that’s the blog family. I will tell you I’m dying to add Allison (sister in law) who has a blog and has KEPT IT A SECRET. What? Yeah, that’s what I said...and what Rob said. But I won’t because it’s something she does with a few of her best friends, and I think some things are better private. I would add Heather but she hasn’t updated hers in a year, and I think Celeste and Colleen need to start one. Agreed?