Friday, November 10, 2006

Now that's a hill!!

Many of you are familiar with the hills of San Francisco, but have you ever walked all the way up one? I would have to advise against it unless you frequently walk at an incline of 20% at the gym treadmill or hike Kilimanjaro on vacation. I say this because while on a weekend vacation my friend Jen who is training for a marathon in a few weeks didn’t want to get off her "schedule" to be on target. Being the pal that I am I agreed to run (and I use that term as loosely as possible) while we were all in San Francisco celebrating her birthday. We woke early to take on the City by the Bay. I quickly remembered that California, and this city in particular, were not flat like our lovely state of Texas. The saying here is "Everything's bigger in Texas". Perhaps usually that’s true (hair, jewelry, belly's) but what they call Hill Country I and other Californian's would call a speed bump. So Jen and I were a little unprepared for the hill that presented itself to us. Some might call it Hyde Street; we will call it What the hell were we thinking street, and as we started up I knew right away my idea was not genius as I had originally thought, but moronic. I was laughing and Jen was cursing me as we were literally hiking this hill, but we pressed forward. We did manage to make it to the top, but getting there wasn't pretty and on the way back down our muscles were noticeably shaking. I'm sure people thought I was some poor girl off her seizure medication, but was from walking up a hill. Jen and I survived, but took the cable car the next time we felt like conquering the hills of the beautiful city. Please see above how Jen and I chose to celebrate, it was her birthday after all.

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