Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tiger and tipping...

Ok sorry it’s been a while but I have been absent for a good reason. VACATION!! Love those. I was in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai for a little over a week. While there we usually go to the Grand Slam to see the players etc at least one day. Well I am a non golfer, so this tournament has never been a must because I would rather be scuba diving of course. I think I would like more, except for a few small things:

1) No talking, just like in fishing. Lame. I mean if every other sport has to learn to adjust to crowd noise, golf should also. I don’t see how silence helps a ball roll near a hole.
2) Hand Eye coordination, of which I have none. Well I have no coordination but that’s another blog entirely. Given that one of my eyes is near sighted, and the other is far sighted (no I’m not kidding) my hand eye is totally lacking. So my ball goes everywhere if I even hit it and the divots are something to see.
3) Length of time to play. I think golf was developed by men as a way to disappear for hours at a time and be “unavailable”. I mean if you have a delay because of groups in front of you it can take well over 4 hours. 4 hours or more of hit the ball, walk to the ball, hit the ball, walk to the ball etc. This is why I love hockey faster paces and the possibility of bloodshed.

So this year the boyfriend went, and to say he is into golf would be an understatement. He of course wanted to go every day all day. I like to watch, but one day of walking the course for 5+ hours was enough. I don’t care how close I was to Tiger (5 feet) or that his hot wife Elian was walking the course in front of me. But I also am a celeb gossip addict so I had to hang in there in case anything was Perez worthy. The only news to report…Tigers trainer has bigger diamond earrings that any woman I have ever seen in person, his wife is more than gorgeous, and the only juicy tidbit is that they are cheap! The most famous athlete in the world DOES NOT believe in tipping. That’s right, several sources, and stories all over the island re confirmed this unfortunate issue. Example, a $3,800 spa service bill and $0 tip. Sad but true. I understand not wanting to be hounded or stalked, or even approached. But not to tip the people that massage your cheap ass is unbelievable. He is an amazing athlete and a beautiful golfer, but I think generosity is a skill that might need some fine tuning. Just a thought.

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