Monday, July 28, 2008

Pre-Marital Counseling

Sounds fun right? Discussing finances, expectations, in-laws and sex etc with total strangers is a.w.e.s.o.m.e! Actually it’s not as bad as it sounds because the way our church runs the class makes it fun. The class is huge, 35 couples divided into 8 groups (4 each) and assigned a mentor couple (married 15+ years) to go thru the topics over a 4 week period.

The fun part has been getting to know other engaged people our age going thru the same kinds of issues. It’s like we have our own little network now. The flip side has been airing all your stuff for other people. Chris and I tend to have more, um, spirited discussions about some things than others. Not to mention that given the topic it just screams for some kind of funny and inappropriate comment to break the ice. Usually we tend to provide that as well.

This is our last week in the class, and the topic is In-Laws: Can’t change em, can’t kill em. Hilarious. I know Chris is looking forward to this one and he has tons of material.

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