Thursday, January 24, 2008


I was tagged by Elizabeth, and as she is one of my only blogging friends I figured I owed her :)

1. Ten years ago: I was counting down the days until I turned 21! Seriously...there were only 20 days to go. I was living in San Jose, and had just started dating a person that would change my life forever...and not necessarily in a great way.

2.5 things to do on my to-do list: a) drop off my dry cleaning, b) start working on my taxes, c) address "save the date" cards, d) go to the gym, and e) figure out what the heck I want this wedding to look like.

3.Snacks I enjoy: starbucks, almonds, tangerines, jello snacks and flour tortillas.

4.3 bad habits: Not balancing my checkbook (same as Elizabeth), picking at my nails, and bossing people around.

5. If I suddenly became a billionaire: I would pay off the house, car, credit cards etc. Take a long vacation with Chris, give our parents a dream trip and siblings something special. I would put the rest in an interest bearing account and volunteer for the rest of my life.

6. Places I've lived: Granite Bay, Nevada City, Santa Clara, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Dallas.

7. Jobs I've had: Good lord this could be a blog in itself. Let's see lifeguard, nanny, waitress, HR Intern/specialist/generalist/ manager.

8. Things people don't know about me: a) I am a terrible liar. Always have been always will be. So 99.9% of the time I don't bother with even white little ones, though I probably should. People don't seem to like my Dr Phil "get real" tactics. b) I sometimes speak in only movie lines. c) I am terrified that I will be a terrible wife. d) I fall a lot, for absolutely no reason.


Jennifer said...

8c....not possible.

Kerri Butler said...

You fall so well, you could go pro. You will be an awesome wife, because you are an awesome friend. ;)

Emarie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elizabeth said...

Sorry...that deletion is mine...I couldn't get it to work! But I agree, 8c is not possible.