Friday, March 13, 2009

Facebook Phenomenon

Last year, Val and Colleen convinced me to join Facebook. At first it was fascinating, finding people that I had lost touch with, seeing how their lives had changed, pictures etc. Then the inbox filled with high school and Jr. high classmates...and that passing thought of “do I want to accept them?” I mean let’s face it, some of us didn’t really like, or know each other in HS, and I could care less about my friend count. Really, that’s a lame way to feel important in my opinion.

Next was the really awkward wave of parents and friends’ parents. Seriously, does my high school young life leader need to see a photo of me at a bar? Probably not. Then there’s the issues of people tagging you in photos you wouldn’t want anyone to see, the dramas of ended relationship statuses played out via the comment section, and the announcements of major life events via Facebook.

Don’t get me wrong, I check the thing every day. Lately though, I began to wonder when we all decided to stop picking up the phone and calling someone, feeling that a comment on a wall was the same as a conversation? For the record, with me it is not. I like hearing someone’s voice. If we are friends, that’s not how I want to find out you are pregnant, getting a divorce, have a boyfriend, are moving, or have made any other significant life change. Unless you feel our friendship is on the same level as your high school algebra teacher, co-worker from 4 years ago, and that ex you’re stalking from college. I won't even get into the fact that as an HR person that hires people for a living...your page tells me more than your resume, and believe me...I use it.

Call me old fashioned, but I think that it makes relationships less personal and the personal part is what I love about my friends.


Jennifer said...

I agree! Major news via Facebook is not acceptable for close friends. Call! Excellent job on the post!

elizabeth said...

Seriously couldn't agree more. Love this post!!!

Lydia said...

I kind of view sending out a mass email about big news the same way. Or how about spilling other people's news over facebook? I have seen a ton of "My sister is pregant!" or "My best friend is getting married!".

RobinBrant said...

Yeah, my sister outed my c-section last week via facebook before I got a chance to call anyone, and Lisa found out that way. Not exactly ideal for one of my best friends. Yikes.