Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lucky Me!

Wikipedia states that my task tomorrow is defined as:IRIF - An Involuntary Reduction in Force - The employee(s) didn't voluntarily choose to leave the company. This usually implies that the method of reduction involved either layoffs, firings, or both, but wouldn't usually imply resignations or retirements. If the employee is fired rather than laid off, the term "with cause" may be appended to indicate that the separation was due to this employee's performance and/or behavior, rather than being financially motivated.

Let's just hope I'm not on my own list. That might be awkward. I also hope no one key's my car...the joys of HR. I wouldn't call me tomorrow after 6pm...I'm planning on sedating myself with alcohol after ruining peoples lives in this economic crisis.


Kerri Butler said...

OH no, I wish I could be there to drink with you! I'm so sorry! Have you gotten my VM's??

Sonia said...

Good luck to you Meg - I feel your pain as we have had some issues at the gym. Only we have the whole "with just cause" attached to ours! Never fun.

RobinBrant said...

Ugh, Megan, I am so sorry. Like Jen, I have been on both sides of that situation, and neither one is any fun. I hope you got through it okay :)