Monday, October 30, 2006

B is for Bailey and I'm a big sucker

I didn't always want a dog. I wasn't one of those kids that begged their parents for one, but we had family dogs that I would walks when I felt like it. Things changed when I became an adult, well actually things changed when I changed. They say when you have a traumatic experience there are 3 things that are natural therapy for your soul. 1) Being by the ocean 2) exercise and 3) getting an animal. In 2001 when I had a very traumatic experience that caused a crisis of self really I moved to San Diego (check off #1). With that amazing weather you can be outside every day of the year so exercise followed (check off #2) but the animal...I wasn't ready to love something at that time, or be loved unconditionally in return. My heart was too broken for that then.
5 years later, heart mended and a full recovery from the trauma leads me to now. Last February around my birthday someone I know found a small mutt wandering in her neighborhood. I took one look at this little mess and had to have him. His name is Kona and he is now the most spoiled 11lb poodle shi-tzu mix you will ever meet. My brother Robert likes to tell everyone Kona is a shit poo...funny guy my brother. So Kona and I have been cohabitating for a few months now and I adore him. Getting up at 5am to take him out, and finding the best groomer (the perky poodle) or vet has been a joy. I even bought a house so I could have him, and I like to call him the most expensive dog because of it. So who is Bailey you ask?
I was shopping this past weekend at a local mall and the Boxer Rescue Society was there with some adoptable dogs. The faces and stories are heartbreaking. I try to put on a front like I'm fine on my own, very practical and rarely emotional. That is a big sham folks, but those of you who know me already know that. I seem to be the only one slow on the uptake. So this beautiful 4 year old boxer named Bailey took one look at me and I was done. I walked around and thought about it for a few hours but of course took her home. It was a little impulsive and not well thought out, but who could say no?? My boyfriend shook his head in total disapproval because of course he thinks of all the things I don't (double the vet and boarding bills, will Kona like her etc). Every dog whisperer in America would tell you not to do it the way I did, and I know that. I of course forge ahead because she was meant for me.
Here we are 3 days later and our little family of 3 has some adjustment issues. One might have separation anxiety, and another might not want to share his toys but over all we're doing alright. I think with a little time andsome training classes we will be like every other functional/dysfunctional family. As I sit here now they are both sleeping soundly on the living room floor and I think life is pretty darn good. (check off #3)

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