Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thank you for smoking

Ok I’m sorry and some of you might hate me for it…but unless you are smoking all by yourself in your own home or car (with the windows up) I am going to think you are an asshole. Why you ask? Because I have yet to see a smoker use the freaking ashtray in their car….thank you to the asshole this morning in an orange mustang cobra who flicked your cigarette butt out the window on the freeway in traffic and landed on the hood of my new car. By the way…1990 called and wants the orange mustang back. Unless you are 18 and just got back from military duty you picked a LAME ASS CAR.

To all the smokers that might read this…if you’re not an asshole, don’t act like one. Roll up your windows and USE THE ASHTRAY!

1 comment:

Kerri Butler said...

Well said!!!! LOL!!!