Thursday, October 25, 2007

Friday Night Lights

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I am obsessed with this show. When I thought they were going to cancel it last year I was ready to stage my own protest. Luckily for me…it returned and it’s even better than the first season! My mom feels the same way, but unfortunately for her she has been away with her Red Cross save the world from natural disaster response teams. Whatever. So she calls me one night this week to ask me for a verbal rundown of the last 2 Fridays. It went something like this

Mom: “I haven’t been able to watch it at all…I’m just going to have to fly out to Texas to watch it on your Tivo”.
Me: “Well this wouldn’t be the case if you and Dad entered the 20th century and not only got CABLE, but some sort of DVR device. You know it’s almost time to throw out those Beta tapes.”
Mom: “Shut up.”

So I launched into the description of the episodes about why everyone is falling apart without my sweet Coach Taylor and I hear my dad laughing in the background.

My dad: “You act like you guys know these people.”

HELLO We do!!! Men are cluless.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hello!! I love FNL and I want the Taylors to be my parents.