Friday, January 02, 2009


2008 was such a good year it's hard to narrow the list but I will try. Looking back at 2008:

Who Rocked: Kerri, Heather, Erin and Sonia for all giving birth to healthy baby boys, Jen for running the NYC Marathon, and Colleen for taking a risk on a new job.

Big Moves: Celeste moved to Houston, The Butlers to Denver, Rob & Allison to Ft Worth, and we got Elizabeth back in Dallas!

Favorite things in 2008: iphone, spanx, wii, DVR, and Chick-fil-a chocolate peppermint milkshakes (hence the need for spanx).

Favorite Movie/Book/Song of 2008: Book: A Thousand Splendid Suns, Movie: Slumdog Millionaire (yes, I know it just came out, but it is) Song: Natalie Grant, I will not be moved.

Vacation Moments: Taking Chris to the US Open, and a kiss on a park bench in Paris.

Blessed With: A job I enjoy, a house I call home, and selfless love from my family & Chris.

New Pals: Celeste and Callie (bonus points for not dying), Yoshi & Steven.

Daily Loves: Kona, starbucks, and a good morning kiss.

Personal Changes: Becoming a wife, changing my name, and joint checking.

Unforgettable: The time in Tahoe with everyone we love.

Thankful For: Forgiveness. Always given, I just forget to ask.

“Not well traveled, not well read, not well to do or well bred.
Just want to hear instead, “Well done”, good and faithful one”
-Nichole Nordeman: Legacy

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Love it!