Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Points for Mr.G

I know most of the time that I am very blessed. My husband, while not perfect, is pretty close. I have a few friends that are single moms with babies under 1. They have very busy lives and don’t get to go out as much as the rest of us. I invited 2 of them to join me in seeing “Confessions of a shopaholic” and one couldn’t find a sitter.
So what did my husband do? He babysat a 5 month old baby so we could go to lunch and a movie. Yep, he changed a diaper, made and fed the baby a bottle and even got him to take a nap. When we walked out of the move and found no urgent text messages from him we were all a little impressed. I think he’s a keeper.

1 comment:

RobinBrant said...

Good to know that Chris will be around when Baby Brant gets here, just in case we need to get away for mani/pedis and Mike isn't around...